"I love it! Gives clients options and puts money in our trust account quicker! No running around town with gas prices above $4 per gallon either!"
Geri Custer, Insurance Protection Team
Support for Recurring Payments & Repeat Customers
Depending on your business, you may have customers that fall into one of two special situations. The first would be Recurring Payments - a specific amount that is to be automatically paid on a set schedule. The second are Repeat Customers. This would be customers that purchase from you again and again - but there is not a set schedule or set amount of each payment.
Our Vcheck / Echeck system supports both of the above in a single, optional upgrade to the basic level of service. For only an additional $49.95 per YEAR (included in the higher levels of service - see Pricing), you get support for both options:
Recurring Payments. We designed the Recurring Payments option to be extremely flexible. It supports almost any schedule you might need including:
Monthly or Semi-Month Payments by Date. You have have a recurring check automatically created on one or two different dates every month, for instance, on the 3rd and 17th of each month - or just on the last day of each month.
Weekly, Bi-Weekly by Day. This allows a check to be create either every week or every other week based on the day of the week - for instance, every Friday or every other Wednesday.
Setting up a Recurring Payment is as easy as clicking on the Make Recurring icon next to the customer's first submitted check and picking the schedule and number of payments remaining - up to 48 - or unlimited.
At approximately midnight on the designated dates, a new check is created with a sequential check number for the amount specified. You receive a New Recurring Check Notification email and your customer receives a Recurring Payment receipt email.
Repeat Customers. When you designate a customer as a Repeat Customer, all of their checking account data is encrypted and maintained is a separate secure database. To create a new check based on that information, the only information you need to supply is the new check amount, a check number and memo, if desired. Once entered, you click on the Create Check button and their checking account data is retrieved, decrypted and merged with the new data and a check is instantly created. You receive a New Check Notification and your customer receives an email receipt.
NEW: Now each Repeat Customer is assigned a private, unique link they can use to submit new checks by providing only a new check number, check amount and optional memo field.
When you log into your Vcheck Control Panel, you use the Merchant - Manage Recurring Payments menu to get a quick overview of payments that are scheduled to occur in the next 60 days and details on each payment schedule. The Edit icon allows you to modify the amount or schedule of any existing Recurring Payment: