"Our agency has used this product for over 12 years and love it, I have shared it many times with other agencies and our clients love your product. The biggest statement that I can make for our agency is that we have a -0- accounts receivable due to your product and I thank you for my agencies success. It is always nice to find a product that works and a company that values my success in business....keep up the good work."
N. Sattler, Sattler Insurance Agency
Current Server Status
NOTE: If the Cloud Server is down, we are already aware of that - we get notified instantly.
Internet Outages Reports
If you are having issues with the Vcheck services, but the Server Status monitor above shows the Cloud Server is online, there could be regional or ISP related internet issues. All the links below will open into new Tabs or Windows.
IsItDownRightNow.Com - use this link to see if the Vcheck Server can be reached by this outside server.
Pingdom offers Live Map of Internet Downtime which shows if there may be major regional or global issues. Click on the U.S. on their map to narrow the results to our regions and major cities.
To see if your ISP (who provides your internet connection) might be having issues - you can check this site. This is also a good site for ISPs and major online services.
If you think you are having Wi-Fi issues and want to troubleshoot that yourself, AllConnect.com offers a great guide to do so. They also might be able to save you some money if you are looking to switch Internet Service Providers.
Another Way to Test
If the Could Server monitor above shows the server is online, but you can't reach it from your office connection, try this connecting to https://www.securevcheck.com/ from your smartphone or tablet which *probably* uses a different ISP. NOTE: If you reach the link above it will display the Vcheck Logo and the message "A System Error Has Occured" - this is normal using that link but shows the system is up and responding as it should.